- Calles: manipulative + opportunistic, raised the agrarian reform to tame the beast (the revolution).
- passed labor reforms so workers could stay united and calm for now.
- CROM (Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana)
- was a corrupt group of politicians
- they wouldn't do anything for the workers like they said they would.
- Albaro Obregon gets re-elected but he is killed like Carranza.
- Calles wants to get re-elected but cannot serve another term because he just served the presidency.
- instead, he gets puppet presidents to do the job for him.
- He is also called el Jefe Maximo
- PNR (Partido Nacional Revolucionario)
- Wins presidency and Mexico celebrates.
- names key military leaders
- key leaders
- frees himself from the Maximato
Calles believes he is presidential and has power (Jefe Maximo)
- was kicked out of Mexico
- general goes into his room at night and makes him take a plane to Austin Texas
- Calles was very surprised he was even alive
- he looked at oil and focused on petroleum workers
- Nationalized oil (oil expropriation)
- wants to make Mexico belong to itself.
- clarity of activities
- communal process
- design
- presentation of labor practices; highly idealized work practices such as making tortillas, working a mill.
- there is a sense of community and unity of the people

- Diego Rivera's painting of mine workers emphasized religious metaphors such as the crucifixion
- Mining industry emphasized the importance of the earth and nature
- Rivera uses the same oppositions such as: enter & exit, etc.
- Rivera keeps the scene compact
- Scenes of mine workers:
- coming in and out of the mine: we never see an end, there is no end to the labor
- tied labor issues
- the room is organized
- ideas of Christ and carrying the cross are emphasized (their labor is their own burden)
- the man is being searched highlights the practices the workers had to go through on routine.

- Day of the Dead - traditional practice.
- use of vertical space
- organized chaos
- consuming
- buying & selling
- pulque and cervesa (beer)
- distribution of land: idea of the revolution; it did not happen until Lazaro Cardenas took charge.
- Court of Fiestas: regional and local practices
- tightly composed, colorful, idealized
- perspective here is reverse
Rivera, Flower Day at Santa Anita
- formal conventions, perspective spatial organization
- landscape
- flowers (alcatrazez)
- traditional practices
- contrast of race/status/ etc
- new figures where introduced
- dark figures contrasting with light figures
- well-fed vs natives
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