Monday, April 14, 2014

Museum Visit Research Day 1: 4/14/2014

"Rivera continually reinvented the image of Zapata for didactic purposes."
-intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.

-Aimed at a broad audience of diverse ages, social and economic classes, and nationalities, 

Diego Rivera. South wall of the mural cycle History of the State of Morelos: Conquest and Revolution, with image of Emiliano Zapata. 1930

The general is not in any way superior to the men, he is one of them. This clearly connects to the socialist themes prevalent throughout the Mexican Revolution. Diego Rivera also personally joined the Communist Party, which would help to explain why he created art in this style.  A Communist would not put leaders above the people they lead.

  • Rivera’s connection with socialism went deep, for the power of his work was bound up not just with the radical nationalist Mexican Revolution, but also with the establishment of the first worker’s state in Russia in 1917.

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